Main Street Approach
Main street is a movement
The key to improving appearances lies in recognizing a simple fact: the traditional business district is neither a shopping mall nor a commercial strip and should not pretend to be either.
With its buildings, history, settings, and place within the community, downtown Vineland is unique and special. It makes sense to acknowledge these resources and take full advantage of them – to develop the qualities that are already present downtown – qualities a mall or strip will never have.
In 2005, Vineland was designated a Main Street Community. This designation is part of a state and national revitalization program that is intended to help businesses make the most of their location.
The Main Street Four-Point approach is a tool for revitalizing downtowns by preserving their history, their culture, and their architecture, and by helping businesses capitalize on this revitalization effort.
As such, Main Street Vineland has four standing teams— Organization, Promotions, Design, and Economic Restructuring — made up primarily of volunteers, that address each of these four points in the manners described below:
- Organization – This team promotes the Main Street program to stakeholders and the community; raises funds for activities and administration; organizes and coordinates volunteers to help carry out projects in the all committees; produces a monthly newsletter; and develops policies for the Main Street organization.
- Promotions – This team is responsible for getting “feet on the street.” The Promotions Team develops a marketing strategy; enhances the downtown’s image; and develops special events and promotions that help bring attention and people to Landis Avenue.
- Design – This team is responsible for making the downtown area attractive, safe and inviting. The Design Team plans public improvements in the downtown area; provides design education and technical assistance; conducts a building inventory; organizes annual Spring and Fall Planting Days; and looks to bring art downtown for additional color and vibrancy.
- Economic Restructuring – This team develops business retention, expansion, and recruitment strategies; plans seminars to help downtown businesses capitalize on the Main Street effort; collects data about downtown businesses; and develops business incentives.
All teams meet Quarterly on the third Thursday of each month at noon at the VDID office and via Zoom.