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In The News

What's happening on The Ave.

Be a Sponsor

Now that we’ve got our calendar of events for the year nailed down, we have our sponsorship forms ready for the events. We have forms for each event and various sponsorship levels that are tailored to the specific event. These may all be viewed by visiting and clicking on “About” and then “Sponsorships”—or by reaching out to us at the office.

I’ve written about sponsorships and partnerships in this column before but it’s worth repeating here. Events are fun to have, but they come at a cost. Our operations come at a cost. In order to minimize the effect that our events have on our budget, we seek out sponsors to help defray our costs. Our organization, the Vineland Downtown Improvement District is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and your donation may be tax deductible as well (be sure to check with your accountant).

As I’ve written before, partnerships—whether they’re sponsorships, grants, donations, or just informal working relationships—accomplish much by making big initiatives possible and bringing to the table a variety of organizations to share in the success and the interest.

They’re win-win propositions, as they benefit us by bringing needed funding and support to programs that we want to present. They also benefit the sponsor or partner, as they give that organization added publicity and exposure. So, everyone benefits.

We build partnerships by directly approaching organizations, speaking before groups, and by the organizations hearing about what we do and wanting to join us. That’s where the sponsorship forms come in.

So, whether it’s our Cruise Down Memory Lane on June 10, Running The Ave 5K on June 25, the Food Truck Festival on The Ave on August 27, A Taste of Vineland on October 25, the Pumpkin Patch Party on October 28, the Christmas Parade on November 25, or our new event—An Olde Fashioned Christmas—on December 1 and 2, we have plenty of sponsorship and partnership opportunities available for you and/or someone you know. Don’t worry if a major giving level isn’t affordable for you. We’ll fit you into a level that fits your budget, or your company’s budget. Or, feel free to come and volunteer!

These are part of the initiatives that we are planning in our four teams—Organization, Design, Promotions, and Economic Vitality—and we’re looking to expand our base of support for these plans. Join us.

* * *

Speaking of Running The Ave 5K on June 25, registration is now open. Cumberland County’s premier road race will go through 3.1 miles of Vineland’s wide streets and green parks. The race starts on The Ave. Special awards will go to the fastest runner from Vineland and a True Grit Award to the last-place finisher. Team challenges will take place for the fastest family and fastest business. Over the past several years we’ve had runners from throughout the Delaware Valley participate. Be one of them by going to Main Street Vineland’s website——and signing up.

Annual Events
Running The Ave 5k

Running The Ave 5K Race

June 22, 2025

Annual Cruise Down Memory Lane

June 14, 2025

Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event

October 22, 2025

Pumpkin Patch Party

Pumpkin Patch Party

October 25, 2025

Vineland Christmas Parade

Christmas Parade

November 29, 2025

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We’re inviting you to take part in an important survey that will shape the future of downtown Vineland