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What's happening on The Ave.

Meet Dennis Ingraldi

Dennis Ingraldi

This week, I’d like to introduce you to our Vice-Chairman, who as they say, needs no introduction: Dennis Ingraldi, owner of Vineland Realty. He has been a staple in downtown Vineland for decades. It is people like Dennis who make up the fabric of our downtown, and we couldn’t be more proud of that.

Dennis grew up in Vineland and then went to Seton Hall University where he graduated in 1983 with a BS in accounting. Like so many of our board members, Dennis’ commitment to giving back to his community goes far beyond just Main Street Vineland. He is involved with the Italian American Benevolent Association where he serves as both a board member and as secretary. He is also a member of the Recreation Club, Blackwater Club, North Italy Benevolent Association, Cumberland County Board of Realtors and the Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce, as well as a past member of the Lions Club.

Dennis started with the Vineland Downtown Improvement District about 15 years ago in order to have an impact on the redevelopment of Vineland’s downtown. He was awarded the Volunteer of the Year in 2018 for his involvement in the organization.

He started his business, Vineland Realty, 25 years ago at his Landis Avenue location in the 600 blocks. He feels the advantages to being downtown are being near City Hall, the post office, shopping, restaurants and having a storefront where clients stop in to discuss their real estate needs.

According to Ingraldi, “I love the closeness of all the business owners in our downtown district. I have gotten to know many of my neighbors here on Landis Avenue and consider many of them my friends. We all work together to help make Vineland’s downtown the best it can be.

“Being a member of the board of directors allows me to give my input to address issues such as getting better lighting in our downtown, keeping it clean and safe, so that people shopping, dining or visiting our downtown feel safe and secure.”

We rely often on Dennis’ expertise in real estate when we work on recruiting new businesses to our downtown. It is nice to have a professional such as he serve on our board to give us both guidance as well as ideas on how to improve the quality of life for all of those who live, shop, dine and enjoy our downtown.

Stop in and say hello to Dennis at Vineland Realty at 634 E. Landis Avenue next time you’re in the area.

Annual Events
Running The Ave 5k

Running The Ave 5K Race

June 22, 2025

Annual Cruise Down Memory Lane

June 14, 2025

Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event

October 22, 2025

Pumpkin Patch Party

Pumpkin Patch Party

October 25, 2025

Vineland Christmas Parade

Christmas Parade

November 29, 2025

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