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What's happening on The Ave.

Sculptures On The Ave

By now, you have most likely seen or at least heard of the new company we are keeping on The Ave. As you read the front-page article in today’s SNJ Today newspaper, you will learn about this very exciting project we have embarked upon, Sculptures On The Ave.

In my column today, I wanted to share a little insight into why we are doing this and what we are looking forward to over the next 6-months of having these sculptures in our downtown district. Art, in its many forms, has always been a way to bring people of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds together. While we may not agree on politics or other topics, we can all agree that art allows us each to interpret what we see, feel, or experience based on our own life experiences. Art, whether in the form of a painting, a mural, sculpture, music, dance, or whatever form it may take allows each individual to experience it in a unique way.

Several years ago, we initiated our “Urban Canvases On The Ave” projects by having murals painted on blank walls in our downtown district. We are so proud of the three murals that we have completed already, which add to the original mural done by Cesar Viveros-Herrera in 2011. Our fifth mural is currently being completed — a mosaic tile and painted mural on the back wall of the First Methodist Church (Wood Street and 6th Street).

As an extension of this initiative, we contracted with the Seward Johnson Atelier to bring six life-size sculptures downtown in each of our historic blocks (400-800 blocks). We had two grants we were able to leverage to make this possible—thanks to the generosity of the Cumberland County Cultural & Heritage Commission and the Neighborhood Preservation Program.

We have no intention of just having these sculptures set in place for the next six months and left alone. We will be doing all kinds of fun things over this period—including micro-events centered around the sculptures, and their neighboring businesses, and activating our other murals (three of the sculptures sit in front of our other completed murals to compliment them. Be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages, visit our website and join our email newsletter list. You will find out much more by visiting: Sculpture Tour.

As an example of a micro-event, our first will be “Paws On The Ave ” to celebrate National Dog Day. In front of the Landis Marketplace is a statue called “Yuck, Go Fetch”. On Saturday, August 26th from 10 am – 3 pm, we will be celebrating our four-legged friends. We will have DJ Tony Gambino providing music, pet photos with the statue will be taken by T&F Camera, and many other vendors who cater to our pets will be there as well. There is plenty of parking behind the Landis Marketplace on Elmer Street.

Stay tuned, there will be a whole lot more to come. Take a stroll on our “Walk The Ave” trail downtown and you will see all six of our sculptures on display. Feel free to take a selfie and don’t forget to tag us #TheAVE.

Be sure to join us on Sunday, August 27h at our Food Trucks On The Ave event 11 am – 7 pm. More information may be found at:

By now, you have most likely seen or at least heard of the new company we are keeping on The Ave. As you read the front-page article in today’s SNJ Today newspaper, you will learn about this very exciting project we have embarked upon, Sculptures On The Ave.

In my column today, I wanted to share a little insight into why we are doing this and what we are looking forward to over the next 6-months of having these sculptures in our downtown district. Art, in its many forms, has always been a way to bring people of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds together. While we may not agree on politics or other topics, we can all agree that art allows us each to interpret what we see, feel, or experience based on our own life experiences. Art, whether in the form of a painting, a mural, sculpture, music, dance, or whatever form it may take allows each individual to experience it in a unique way.

Several years ago, we initiated our “Urban Canvases On The Ave” projects by having murals painted on blank walls in our downtown district. We are so proud of the three murals that we have completed already, which add to the original mural done by Cesar Viveros-Herrera in 2011. Our fifth mural is currently being completed — a mosaic tile and painted mural on the back wall of the First Methodist Church (Wood Street and 6th Street).

As an extension of this initiative, we contracted with the Seward Johnson Atelier to bring six life-size sculptures downtown in each of our historic blocks (400-800 blocks). We had two grants we were able to leverage to make this possible—thanks to the generosity of the Cumberland County Cultural & Heritage Commission and the Neighborhood Preservation Program.

We have no intention of just having these sculptures set in place for the next six months and left alone. We will be doing all kinds of fun things over this period—including micro-events centered around the sculptures, and their neighboring businesses, and activating our other murals (three of the sculptures sit in front of our other completed murals to compliment them. Be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages, visit our website and join our email newsletter list. You will find out much more by visiting: Sculpture Tour.

As an example of a micro-event, our first will be “Paws On The Ave ” to celebrate National Dog Day. In front of the Landis Marketplace is a statue called “Yuck, Go Fetch”. On Saturday, August 26th from 10 am – 3 pm, we will be celebrating our four-legged friends. We will have DJ Tony Gambino providing music, pet photos with the statue will be taken by T&F Camera, and many other vendors who cater to our pets will be there as well. There is plenty of parking behind the Landis Marketplace on Elmer Street.

Stay tuned, there will be a whole lot more to come. Take a stroll on our “Walk The Ave” trail downtown and you will see all six of our sculptures on display. Feel free to take a selfie and don’t forget to tag us #TheAVE.

Be sure to join us on Sunday, August 27h at our Food Trucks On The Ave event 11 am – 7 pm. More information may be found at:


Annual Events
Running The Ave 5k

Running The Ave 5K Race

June 22, 2025

Annual Cruise Down Memory Lane

June 14, 2025

Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event

October 22, 2025

Pumpkin Patch Party

Pumpkin Patch Party

October 25, 2025

Vineland Christmas Parade

Christmas Parade

November 29, 2025

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